Resource Toolkit for Home Care and HospiceHPCANYS is pleased to present you with the following tools that will help your hospice be compliant with Emergency Preparedness requirements and or will be a resource for patients and their families.
Primer on Home Care and Hospice Emergency Preparedness in New York State is a thorough booklet on all you should use and consider for emergency preparedness in the home based setting. Originally prepared by the Home Care Association of New York State and the Health Care Providers of New York State, it was updated with HPCANYS input. Also from US Dept of Health and Human Services, there is a document published in March 2021 called Hospice Requirements CMS Emergency Preparedness Final Rule updates the CMS requirements for hospices related to Emergency Preparedness as a result of the Burden Reduction Rule. This is an easy, all in one place, resource for Emergency Preparedness. |